Genetic Warfare

Civil Defense Perspectives vol. 36 #5

From bat soup or lab leak? Much controversy has surrounded this question. But what if SARS-CoV-2 was intentional? A 2015 book, The Unnatural Origins of SARS and Man-Made Genetic Weapons of New Human Viruses, edited by Dezhong Xu and Feng Li, published by the Military Medical Science Press (Beijing), and translated by Volunteers of Miles Guo’s Whistleblower Movement, provides extensive historical and scientific background.

According to the translators’ 2021 foreword,  “This book serves as a framework and protocol to guide the PLA [People’s Liberation Army] to create SARS-CoV-2, or COVID-19, which is a ‘contemporary genetic bioweapon.’” They also state that another purpose is to “cover up its earlier publication in Nature back in 2013 revealing the true origin of SARS-CoV and…to shift the blame to other countries, like the United States.”

According to The Australian, Chinese military scientists predicted that a third world war would be fought with biological weapons. The book describes SARS coronaviruses as a “new era of genetic weapons” that can be “artificially manipulated into an emerging human­disease virus, then weaponised and unleashed in a way never seen before” (

“Is the COVID vaccine also a genetic weapon?” the translators ask—but the book does not address that.


In modern times, Germany was arguably the first country to develop biological weapons. In World War I, they infected livestock in neutral countries that were exported to Allied armies. (This might be kept in mind as large numbers of American cows and sheep drop dead.) In 1917, they dropped contaminated fruit, chocolate, and toys over Bucharest.

From 1930–1945, Germany, Japan, the UK, and the U.S. developed and used bioweapons, such as by dropping germ-carrying insects and animals from planes to infect large areas. From 1941–1945, major U.S. breakthroughs included the Aerosol Chamber Program to determine optimal survival conditions for the agents, and large-scale freeze-drying technology.

Despite the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, both offensive and defensive technology—which may be hard to distinguish—are widely dispersed.


The mystery of the 2001 “anthrax mail attack” has still not been solved. Contemporary genetic weapons are a hundred times more complex than such “traditional” weapons and far more difficult to detect, the authors state.

Gene therapy, developed for the benevolent purpose of repairing faulty genes, could also be used to insert pathogenic genes into the genome either of somatic cells, or of reproductive cells, which would pass them along to succeeding generations. In 2002, this could not be done effectively, but great progress has been made since then.

A “stealth virus” weapon would invisibly infect the genome of persons in the target population. Later, a specific activator could be released to trigger an epidemic—this might be used as a threat in a bargaining process.

A carcinogenic genetic weapon is a dream of bioterrorists—it is not known whether such a weapon has been made or tested.

Unnatural Origin

The authors state that an unusual epidemiological history of an emerging infectious disease, and inconsistencies with the laws of natural epidemics and evolution, can lead to the conclusion that a disease is of “unnatural origin.” They conclude that the severe acute respiratory syndrome or SARS-CoV [now designated SARS-CoV-1] epidemic, which ended in 2004, was a “genetic weapon with artificial new species of human virus.” Suspicious features included a very peculiar distribution of the civets thought to be the source of the infection. The clinical manifestations of outbreaks in China in late 2002 ending in June 2003, which spread to North America and Europe, and another beginning in late 2003, were very different. The outbreak ended abruptly, and there was no global recurrence in more than 10 years. “There has never been a precedent of an infectious disease ‘disappearing’ within [such] a short period as SARS.”

“There has been no breakthrough on the direct ancestor and reservoir host of SARS-CoV and its origin, and there is even a feeling of being unable to start and unable to do anything.”

The authors warn of the grave danger of weaponized avian influenza viruses, or worse, of “laboratory-generated (new or unnaturally evolved) viruses,” citing Dr. Ken Alibek, former Director of the Soviet Biological Warfare Program and Biological Preparedness Office, who defected to the U.S. [Dr. Alibek is referenced in January, March, and November issues in 2002,].


Not limited to wartime, contemporary genetic weapons can be used secretly in peacetime. While militarists and politicians have positioned war as “a continuation of politics by other means,” these contemporary weapons could be a more effective means of accomplishing territorial, economic, or political goals.

The translators ask in the foreword: “Why is the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which is developed using the bat coronaviruses (ZC45 and ZXC21) owned by the Chinese military as templates plus the S protein from SARS-CoV, not a genetic weapon made by the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] as described in this book published in 2015?”

COVID vaccines are weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), asserts Igor Shepherd, M.D. After saying this in 2020, he resigned from the Wyoming State Public Health Department.

Dr. Shepherd served for 7 years in the Strategic Rocket Force sector of the Soviet Army and participated in military field exercises concerning WMD. He moved to the U.S. in 1993.

He states that the gene-splicing used in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is illegal under the 1975 Bioweapons Treaty. The Soviets began developing mRNA sequencing almost 40 years ago and were the first to develop “designer” bioagents. “The idea of vaccines as a dispersal method to annihilate or debilitate millions…, with their consent,  is a brilliant strategy of warfare,” Dr. Shepherd states (

Biowarfare News Clips

·  In 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved TPOXX (tecovirimat), the first drug with an indication for treatment of smallpox, because of longstanding concerns that smallpox could be used as a bioweapon. TPOXX’s effectiveness was established by studies conducted in animals infected with closely related viruses, and approved under the FDA’s Animal Rule, which applies when it is not feasible or ethical to conduct efficacy trials in humans (

·  According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the U.S. operates 336 biological and chemical weapons research laboratories abroad. The National Pulse reported that Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz had organized subcontracting arrangements for Ukrainian research laboratories through their firm Rosemont Capital on behalf of the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) (

·  Dmitry Polyanskiy, Russia’s First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, claims that the U.S. refuses to answer letters, supported with documentary evidence, concerning U.S. involvement with Ukrainian biolabs that handle deadly agents. The U.S. and other Western delegations dismiss this as “Russian disinformation ” (

·  The U.S. blocked verification plans for the Bioweapons Treaty (Nature 12/13/01,, and ever since 2001 has continued to do so (

·  A steep increase in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in 2020 coincided with the distribution of heavily contaminated flyers to children in the form of counterfeit currency (ibid.).

·  In 2021, the Kiev regime sent a request to the Turkish manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles regarding the possibility of equipping the Bayraktar drones with equipment enabling them to spray more than 20 liters of aerosol while flying for more than 300 kilometers (ibid.).

·  The German government launched a national biosafety programme independent of Washington, D.C., in 2013. Participants include the Institute for Armed Forces Microbiology (Munich), the Robert Koch Institute (Berlin), the Loeffler Institute (Greifswald), the Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (Hamburg), and 12 countries, including Ukraine, according to  The International Affairs, a journal of the Russian Foreign Ministry (

·  Between 2016 and 2019 alone, 3,500 serum samples of citizens living in 25 regions of Ukraine were taken by military epidemiologists from the Bundeswehr Microbiology Institute (ibid.).

Julius Caesar’s Secret Weapon

 Roman legionnaires were not only the best fighters, but the best builders in the world. Forts, bridges, towers, walls miles long, built of whatever was available, rose up, sometimes within days. The legendary conquest of Alesia in Gaul was possible because of building two walls, the outer one to defend against incoming reinforcements. Caesar routed, and according to some sources, killed a quarter of a million people. The Gallic resistance was utterly broken, and the fortress of Alesia was taken at the cost of only 12,000 Roman casualties. The Romans inflicted twenty times the casualties they received. Shrewd engineering and building were essential for Rome’s success (

A New Type of Bioweapon

In 2005, Colonel Ji-Wei Guo of the People’s Liberation Army’s Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University in Chongqing, China, described a new type of bioweapon. He rejected the clumsy, traditional biological weapons that produced mass destruction, ones that “depend on microbiology, especially bacteriology, which uses destructive bacteria, viruses, and toxic living bodies obtained directly from the natural world. These weapons are subject to nature, are difficult to control, and have irreversible effects.”

Rather, he said that China would create designed “biotechnological weapons” that would be “controllable” and for which China had sole possession of the vaccine or antidote. Such weapons would be highly contagious, but of low lethality and capable of being deployed under “pre-war” conditions, and they would retain “plausible deniability.” Instead of just killing people, they could inflict “precision injury,” depending on the purposes of operations and the types of enemies (

Bioweapons disguised as vaccines could conceivably be used to “jumpstart the transhuman agenda,” writes Dr. Igor Shepherd ( He states that the plan is to replace almost all traditional vaccines with gene-editing mRNA vaccines that might use CRISPR technology. A huge advance in controlling infectious diseases and in rapid response to emerging threats? Or a tool for eugenics? [Also see, “Transhumanism,” AAPS News, April 2021,, and “Hacking the Software of Life,” CDP, May 2021,]

War Games

War on the bioweaponry front in the existential war for civilization began about 1950, writes James Gruhl, Ph.D. There is a good history of these battles in The Dancer and the Devil: Stalin, Pavlova, and the Road to the Great Pandemic by John E. O’Neill and Sarah C. Wynne. Documentation of COVID-19 planning and battles, which is an ongoing, massive globalist victory, is in The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Planning for the COVID-19 skirmish started in 1999, and the battle started in 2019, well ahead of the globalist’s planned 2025. The series of globalist-run pandemic simulations started with Topoff 2000. Dark Winter 2001 added vaccines, CDC, U.S. Air Force, Big Pharma, and CIA. Project Bioshield 2004 added the Departments of Homeland Security and Defense, FDA, and ATF. Atlantic Storm added WHO. Global Mercury coordinated all Western nations and added the Department of State. SLC Simulation 2005 added the Rockefeller Foundation and massive Orwellian surveillance. MARS 2017 added the World Bank and Koch Institution and planned how to blame busy markets in Wuhan; SPARS 2017 was run by Bill Gates and planned strategies for squashing therapeutics and keeping interest in the vaccine through social media death counts. CLADE X 2018 included a healthcare collapse, stock market crash, FDA/CIA/CDC, total military control, and a vaccine in which Gates and Fauci had already invested enormous resources. Crimson Contagion 2019 specifically avoided off-label therapeutic possibilities. Event 201 practiced removal/canceling of vaccine critics from all social media platforms and coordinated all parts of government, media, corporations, foundations, and academies. This is a partial list. All aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including a shortage of masks and number of deaths, were predicted.

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